Mary Sutherland Copyright 2005


For reasons only known to them, scholars decided to change history and give credit to the Native American Indian as the builder of the earthen mounds.  During its initial  phase , the  
people refused to belief it, but later generations in the mid-nineteenth century came to accept it. Albert Gallatin , founder of the American  Ethnological Society of New York and Wisconsin
naturalist, was one of the first to push this unpopular later position.  However, Caleb Atwater published
Description of the Antiquities in the State of Ohio and other  Western States
) and  advanced the idea that the mounds were built by a culture much more advanced than the American Indians. Josiah Priest, 'Antiquities and Discoveries of the West', argued
that the mounds were built by the Lost Tribes of Israel, wandering Egyptians, Greeks and  other groups unassociated with the American Indian. William Pidgeon's
' Tradition of
De-Coo-Dah'  (1858)
, states that  De-Coo-Dah told him of an ancient race of mound building people who were  much more numerous than the present Indians.


3000 BC Megalithic cultures arise around 4500 BC; then on both continents, at the very same time, copper-using Beaker-inspired cultures arise in 3000 BC.

1500 BC Next, the Beaker Groups flee from conquest in 1500 BC, and their Beaker cultural traits begin to be widespread in North America; finally in both Europe and the New World,
at the very same time,

700 BC  Beaker-derived cultures collapse in 700 BC.

Copper Trade in the Great Lakes Region - King David and King Solomon

In the book Bronze Age America, the late Dr. Barry Fell (Professor Emeritus of Harvard University) records that copper trading between ancient North America and the Old World was extant
prior to and DURING THE REIGN OF KING DAVID! "His book cites evidence from ancient inscriptions that Norse kings carried on a copper trade with the New World in the St. Lawrence
River as early as 1700 B.C., seven centuries prior to the reign of King David over Israel"  There is, clear evidence that David's allies, the Canaanite Phoenicians, were included in the New
World copper trade and that some of David's huge stockpile of copper ore came from the Phoenician's North American trading routes.

The Straits of Gibraltar (Pillars of Hercules), and the nearby Phoenician colony of Gades (Cadiz) were the focal points of the Iberian Peninsula.
Northern Europeans trading or moving south were channelled there, where the Mediterranean crossing was the shortest. The
ships of the Phoenicians
and their colonies were large and seaworthy, as were other ancient Mediterranean ships, fully capable of sailing in the Atlantic Ocean. (Gloria Farley )

Around the northern shore of Lake Superior, and on the adjacent Isle Royale, there are approximately 5,000 ancient copper mine workings. In 1953 and 1956 Professor Roy Drier led two
Michigan Mining and Technology expeditions to the sites. Charcoal found at the base of the ancient mining pits yielded radio carbon dates indicating that the mines had been operated
between 2000 B.C. and 1000 B.C...The most conservative estimates by mining engineers show that at least 500 million pounds of metallic copper were removed over that time span, and
there is no evidence as to what became of it. Bronze Age America. NY: Wallaby, 1976. P. 261.

The Bible states that  ancient Israel, under King David, was stockpiling massive quantities of copper ore around 1,000 B.C.  Sources also confirm  that
the North American copper mines ran out of ore during the reign of Solomon. The connection between the two should be obvious.
The Mound Builders  - The Ancient Ones- The Giants - The Men of Old - The Mound Builders -  
The above Burlington photo bears a striking resemblance to both the ancient pre-historic sites of Aztalan and Cahokia.  Although you cannot see it in this photo, just like Cahokia
and Aztalan, the Hillcrest Mounds faces a large lake known as Echo Lake which is fed by Honey Creek and the White River.  
More on Burlington Mounds
Photo on Left is Cahokia Mounds - east of St. Louis MO
and the Photo on the bottom is of Aztalan which is almost identical to
the Hill Crest Mound of Burlington
Fischer Park Conical  Mound
30326 Durand Ave (Hwy 11) Off Browns Lake . The
Native Americans called Browns Lake  -  'Lake of the
Shining Arrow'
There are no markers whatsoever to give reference to
the beautiful mounds in the park!  What pleasure
people could take in the mounds - if they only knew..
Browns Lake Conical Mound   

Located This  second mound is located off Browns Lake on Hwy W . This one
seems to have been used several times. One as an 'ancient' mound - then a
Native American Burial Mound - then a cemetery dating early 1800's. When we
first started reporting this cemetery, it was unkept with broken tombstones.
Since then it has been cleaned with the  broken tombstones removed.  
Unfortunately, no markers were set to mark the graves of which had  the
tombstones removed.   As the story goes, the remains of the Native Americans
were damaged and discarded as they made way for the new wave of tenants .
This seems to be one of the higher points overlooking Burlington .  *Mounds all
around the Browns Lake Area. However -No Markers indicating Mounds are
here .
A race, that long has passed away ,Built them ...
a disciplined and populous race
Heaped, with long toil, the earth.
The red man came...
The roaming hunter tribes, warlike and fierce,
And the mound-builders vanished from the earth.
The gopher mines the ground Where stood the swarming cities.
All is gone; Allâ save the piles of earth that hold their bones,
The platforms where they worshipped unknown gods.
Is the Ancient City of Burlington Wisconsin Comparable to Cahokia Mounds?
Go to the following Site and read more about Ancient Burlington
Following Photo was found by Mary Sutherland in the archived photos at Burlington Historical Society
Mary Sutherland has named this mound -
Hill Crest Mound
Ancient Giant Race of Burlington Wisconsin
Earthen Mounds- Temples- Sacred Sites and Burial Sites of Burlington
Wisconsin - Compiled and Researched by Mary Sutherland
Yes - We do tours of the Sacred Sites of Burlington  Click Here for More
"The Record of Rajah Manchou of Vorito."
(Facsimile of the Brass Plates). Voree, Wisconsin Territory:
1845.19.6 cm. x 10.6 cm. Broadside.
Mysteries- Examing the Mysteries of Burlington and Southeastern
Watch a Film Presentation of Mary Sutherland's latest  Book CLICK
Read Free Chapters Here
includes CD with over 200 photos of ufos, tunnels and paranormal  with
story line
This earliest known imprint of the Mormons who followed
James J. Strang is a rare facsimile of the brass plates, which
in 1845 Strang purportedly discovered buried in a hillside
beneath the roots of a giant oak tree at Voree, Wisconsin
Territory and which were lost at the beginning of this century.
The area is now known as Morman Road in Burlington,
PDF's by Mary Sutherland
Old New York TImes Article on Earthen
Mounds Finds around Burlington Wisconsin
Click Here for PDF
Ancient City of Burlington Wisconsin
The Giant Mound Builders of Burlington
Mary Sutherland
  Click Here for PDF
Brad and Mary Sutherland Researching Ancient Sites
Ancient Mounds of Madison
Mound Cities Spaced Every 50 Miles - Is your city and
ancient Mound City...
Check out the Clues from my latest PDF
Mound Area where Mormon Prophet Strang found Brass Plates giving history of the ancient race of Burlington
Exploring the Unknown and the Ancient Past of Man with Mary Sutherland