H. Spencer Lewis, the founder of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis in San Jose, California, stated that one can gain invisibility with the use of clouds. He says that clouds
or bodies of mist can be called out of the invisible to surround a person and thus shut him out of the sight of others. According to Lewis, this secret practice is still taught in the
mystical schools of today. The written literature on this subject supports the statement that the cloud is the basis of the Rosicrucian invisibility secret.

Interestingly, a man named John Macky, who was an early Masonic leader (the early Masons were believed to be an offshoot of the Rosicrucians) taught a method whereby any man
could render himself invisible.

Another offshoot of the Rosicrucian fraternity, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, left manuscripts describing the Ritual of Invisibility. These manuscripts talk about surrounding
yourself with a shroud, which is described as looking like "a cloud."

It is said that Madame Blavatsky, of the Theosophical Society, witnessed this invisibility for herself and was actually given the secret, thereafter accomplishing this for herself on
several occasions in front of witnesses. The literature on the Spiritualists in the U.S. shows that there is no doubt they, too, knew about the cloud and its creation.

So, just what is this cloud?

We are looking for something that is between empty space and actual physical matter, something unseen by the naked eye but very much in existence.

The Rosicrucian manual tells us that the first form into which spirit essence concentrates preparatory to material manifestation is electrons. When spiritual essence gathers into
very minute focal points of electrical charge (due to certain conditions), we have the creation of electrons. Science reports that such a cloud of free electrons will absorb all light
entering it; it will not reflect nor refract light waves, nor are light waves able to pass through a human being. Consequently the observer’s eye sees nothing there and the person
surrounded by such a cloud is invisible. Since light is necessary for human sight, when there are no reflected or refracted light waves bouncing off a person and hitting the observer’
s retina, the person is not able to be seen and is not visible under normal circumstances.
Photos taken of  greys cloaking themselves within a cloud of invisiblity.  Note the cloud swirling around the entities . They were invisible to me, but I was able to
photograph some of their essence via my digital camera  - Photo by Mary Sutherland taken in Burlington WI  
Invisibility and the Art of Cloaking by Mary Sutherland
From her book 'Haunted Burlington Wisconsin'  
Get Your Book Autographed by Mary Sutherland by ordering directly off my website !   CLICK HERE

In my book, Hau'nted Burlington Wisconsin, I write on the 'cloak of invisibility' and apply it to the practice of 'The Forest People' and several native american tribes that still practice this
in their initiation. On a radio show, the host asked me who these tribes were but I could not answer due to me losing my notes on the subject. As luck would have it , as I was reading
Joan Prices book, I did find another tribe of Indians that did use this in their initiation practice. The information has been lost to us, but I am sure that at some time in the future, all this
will be revealed once again.

First a little history: In 1887 William Hoffman described the 7 1/2 foot
"Skweko-mik scroll" observed in Red Lake, MN. Skweko-mik had obtained the scroll through relatives, dating it
to 1825. Skweko-mik obtained the scroll from Badasan, the chief of the Winnebe-goshish Ojibway. The original birch bark scroll was received from the Grand Mide priest at LaPointe,
WI and is considered ancient sacred knowledge. LaPoint is one of the sunken Meji temple sites in Ojibway legend.  The scroll is considered a basic tool used among Ojibway,
Pottawatomic and Menomonie tribes.

Without going into the full initiation I am going to jump to the Invisibility and the gift of prophecy and the ability to read mind.  I cannot go into detail at this time, due to copyright and
publishing  issues.  

But what I reference shows that these arts have been practiced since the beginning of time and are very similar to the
Osirian Initiation ceremonies of Egypt.

“….a fascinating concept suggesting the impermeance of time…while Minibohzo is creating the earth lodge, natives are worshiping in it. (In Sauk, the first man on earth was a red
man, which matches the BRAHMANIST legend of the red bull named BRAHMA)”  * In my books, I
n Search of Ancient man, I continuously reference the Brahman people as those who
built the mounds and were the builders of stone called the Hu-Kadesh. Also I give the name Abraham as an Anagram meaning Brahman…by taking the letter A from the beginning of
Abraham and placing it behind the name the anagram shows the word Braham(A), suggesting that Father of all Nations was Brahmanist.

“…Following acceptance , four serpent spirits step aside, while the largest one arches upwards to allow the seeker to walk under it to end the second lodge. (Serpents also arch over
candidates in Osirian ceremonies).”

“…In the second lodge, Minibozho gives the warrior the ability to see into the future, illustrated in the scroll by lines extending from the figure’s eyes.  He can hear great distances and
cast good or evil from the hands of the doll-like figure placed underneath the second lodge. The figure has a small disc on his chest suggesting he has been “Shot” through the
sacred megis shell and knowledge. In actual ceremonial recordings, the candidate is struck severely in the chest, blown with sea shell bits, and knocked unconscious during this
initiation phase.”

“…The round figure placed between the four lodges represents a bad spirit who can change into an animal and enter humans, killing them immediately. This spirit threatens the
candidate into completing the ceremony.  The trees next to the evil spirit symbolizes the forest, keeping the second lodge ceremony focused on the earth plane. “

“After lengthy prayer, the candidate enters the third lodge to meet the Panther Manitous. More Medi priests  observe the ceremony from above, while the candidate receives the
POWER TO BECOME INVISIBLE. He extends his arms to receive the cloaking power and can now communicate with the Panther spirits. In some Rock Lake interpretations, the Bear
mound resembles the Panther.      (The Medi priests,  I believe to be another anagram for Magi priests which would date this initiation back to Lemuria and Atlantis. More on this can
be found in my book,
Giants Gods and Lost Races)

The fourth and highest initiation degree begins with drumming and singing. Prayers are offered to two bear and panther evil spirits placed at east and western exits. The fourth
degree initiate can read minds and to call forth his soul for travel. He now is a Jes’sakkan or High Priest.

Although it is not written in this scroll, through what I have learned from Native American Traditions, in the test of invisibility, the initiate is required to go up to a person and wave his
arms in front of him without being seen. This has to be done two times with two different people.  If he can do this, then he passes the test of initiation for invisibility cloaking.  Then
after that initiation he goes on with the other tests.   

These initiations and the knowledge that goes with them have been taken away from us , except for a few tribes.  I believe this is still practiced by the Sasquatch, which would explain
to many seekers how a bigfoot can touch someone without being seen.

A good researcher does not just research the obvious and then come up with his own conclusion, dismissing the rest as a bunch of ‘woo woo’. I, as a researcher, believe that
everything somehow is connected and try to keep an open mind to ALL the possibilities. Many times truth is hidden amongst the papers that other bigfoot researchers would not even
consider researching, such as the Vedic texts; the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh; Legend and Lores  around the world from Lemuria to Atlantis and North America to Ireland to
Romania, to Egypt to the Far East, from biblical lore to the study of scientific papers, especially the newer quantum physics . It is listening to the stories of our parents and
grandparents and even if you are lucky great grandparents. Truth is gained through the study of the woo woo Paranormal, UFOs, ancient history, ancient religions and mythology…
well I could go on but I think you know where I am going with this.   The crumbs of truth are everywhere and you need to follow all the leads…not just the obvious.  And if something is
unknown or cannot be explained it certainly isn’t woo woo…. It should be a form of inspiration for the researcher that triggers him/her to dig deeper into the unknown..

Mary Sutherland
Portals- Gateways to the Multi-Dimensional Worlds

120 pages
19.99   Full Colored  Paper Back
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Books by Mary Sutherland
Invisibility - Portals and Entities that use them.
by Mary Sutherland
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